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09   /   2018

This project is a Speculative Home which means it is built with out a Homeowner.  It does have a buyer at this point though, even before the house is finished.  Stream Hill Park Subdivision covenants require a Craftsman Meadow Style.  These were a few of the Architectural Element descriptions laid out:


Although Craftsman homes reflect a variety of regional approaches from Midwest farmhouses to seaside cottages to California bungalows, the architectural elements that characterize Craftsman style can be summarized as follows.

  1. Simple, straightforward design where form follows function.

  2. Ornamentation derived primarily from construction techniques, structural elements, and the colors and textures of natural materials used;

  3. The gabled roof tends to spread in a broad sheltering expanse over the house.

  4. Meticulous attention to quality craftsmanship is apparent:

  5. Thoughtful window layout.


I don't very often get "free-rein" to let my imagination run.  It was very  enjoyable designing this home for a beautiful location even with the challenges of the covenants.

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